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What Shall I Give Thee

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord" ~Romans 6:23

In honor of Mother's Day. The teaching in this post was written by my Grandma Elva in 1981.

My grandma had a spirit that could light up a room.

Some of my favorite childhood memories are of times she and her siblings would gather.

It was always filled with lively conversation and laughter!

They were a unique blend of proper and rebellious.

Their love for learning, exploring and serving was infectious.

They had a youthful sparkle regardless of age.

Grandma seemed to have endless energy.

Petite in stature, with an abundance of strength.

She taught me that recipes are merely a loose suggestion.

To be respectful of my mother.

That it was important to learn the Lord's Prayer, because it teaches you how to pray.

Strength comes from the Lord.

Strength and femininity go hand in hand.

Even when you are the only woman in the room.

To this day, when I hear the words, "Thy Will Be Done" spoken at the close of a prayer, I still remember how it would make me jump, when she did so.

She took great joy in teaching about Jesus.

I'm thankful my aunt Debbie has lovingly preserved and passed a collection of Grandma's sermons and letters on to the next generation.

It’s an honor to share an excerpt from a lesson Grandma delivered during a Mother's Day banquet at the Putnum County United Methodist Church over 40-years ago.

I love how God's word is timeless.

"What Shall I Give Thee"

What are gifts?

Why are they used?

How often shall I use them?

Gifts are something we give to someone else.

They may be given for any one of a number of reasons.

Usually, we think of gifts as an expression of our love and our esteem.

Most of us are neither poets or flowery speakers, so we find it easier to express ourselves by the giving of gifts.

This is a physical exhibit of our love rather than saying it in so many words.

Mothers, I will turn my thoughts to you.

I pray that our daughters' souls will never stop growing;

that God will always be real to our children;

that He will always challenge our daughters to the new heights He has for them.

And of all the gifts we could give our daughters or grand daughters, perhaps the gift of time is of greatest importance.

Are we utilizing our time wisely?

Are we trading every single day for a day of our life with theirs?

Each phase of our lives has its own compensation to give the gift of time, as described in this poem:

"I like to walk with Grandma;

Her steps are short like mine.

She doesn't say, "Now hurry up,"

She always takes her time.

I like to walk with Grandma;

Her eyes see things mind do-

Wee pebbles bright, a funny cloud,

Half-hidden drops of dew.

Most people have to hurry;

They do not stop and see.

I'm glad that God made Grandmas

Unrushed and young like me!"

So- let's give our time.

Let us give them understanding - a willingness to listen.

Too often we are prone to consider their problems less significant.

Too often we compare them to ourselves.

Too often we have the tendency to criticize rather than give life.

Too often we betray confidence.

So- let's give them understanding.

Then - let's give them the opportunity to walk alone.

The most mature form of love in not the kind that manipulates others to become what you want them to be.

But one that frees others to become what they are meant to be.

Let's love them enough to provide them space.

It takes great courage to let them stumble and watch them pick themselves up and go on.

But how much stronger will they be, because of it?

So - let us give our children the desire to be courageous as they meet life's challenges.

Let, each of us as Mothers take this pledge -

Life is a challenge.

I will live trustingly.

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for Thou are with me." ~ Psalm 23:4

Life is a task.

I will live it obediently.

"We keep His commandments and do these things that are pleasing in His sight!" ~ John 3:22

Life is a mission.

I will live it helpfully.

"Be ye kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another." ~ Ephesians 4:32

If then, I can instill in these children of mine these characteristics I will have fulfilled the purpose for which I was born.

For they will be able to face the world in which I have thrust them into with confidence, fearlessness and courage;

Knowing that, "the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." ~ Romans 6:23

And now, may the love and peace of God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit rest and abide with you, both now and forever - Amen.

Grandma, you lived your purpose.

No matter how intriguing a passage, no matter how thrilling the pursuit of knowledge, it is all meaningless unless it leads us to the face of Jesus. Talk of angels and demons, mysteries and conundrums are enlightening, but knowing God is eternity-changing.” - Alton Ganaky, Uncovering God’s Mysterious Ways


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