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Radiant Warriors

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us strength, love and self-discipline”.

~2 Timothy 1:7


This verse which encourages us to stand-firm in our faith with boldness and humility, has been inked on my wrist since August 2019.


Truth be told, in 2019, I didn’t know why I was creating a permanent reminder on my wrist.


I simply knew it was important and needed to be written someplace safe, I could never forget.  

Even if needles make me pass out! (quite certain the tattoo artist thought I was too soft to have ink).


Today, it serves as a daily reminder of the way Jesus loves.

The way we can choose to love as well if we are willing to humble ourselves through Him.


It’s in honor of a very special person.

A person whose words in an everyday type of conversation sparked me to go searching for something I couldn’t describe.

But know now, it was a search for a deeper relationship with Jesus.

2 Timothy 1:7 was the first step.


It wasn’t what my friend said, or our topic of conversation – it was the sound of his voice.

I’m confident this person had no idea the Lord was working through them that day.

What a beautiful, powerful example of pure humility.


A permanent reminder. August 2019.


Humility and boldness seem like opposing forces.

Yet, Christ teaches us how the two can live in harmony.

This harmony is powerful. Life changing.


The true definition of humility is to agree with the Word of God and model his instruction in our attitudes and actions.


It’s clear from the Gospels that the pattern of Jesus’ life was first and foremost – an intimate relationship with the Father. He would observe what the Father was doing, listen to what he was saying and then Jesus would do and say exactly what he saw and heard. A repeated pattern that was handed down to the Apostles.


The book of Acts is packed with bold humility by the apostles – even when the mysteries of God’s plan had to leave them asking, “why”.


Moses, David, Mary, Daniel –are all great examples of bold humility.


Moses is particularly intriguing.

Despite Moses’ humility, when God sent him to Pharoh to deliver His message – Moses was as bold as a lion and refused to back down.


Exodus 34 describes the “Radiant Face of Moses” – as Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments it was described as, “he was not aware his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord” – (Exodus 34:29-35)

Bold, humility on horseback. Independence Day 2023. Ft. Bloomfield rodeo.


When we believe what God says about us – when we find our identity in the way he calls us – a godly humility will shine through.

A radiance that is pure because it is rooted in a belief of God’s promises.


Many of us are blessed to know at least one person, with this glow.


A radiance deeper than “happiness”.

A sense of knowing regardless of the circumstances.

A glow that welcomes new believers to be curious and learn more.

Awakens the tired.

A gift they give, simply being themselves.


Who are they in your life?

We can nurture the spirit of humility by choosing to close our eyes to comparison.

We are empowered to enter each day as a new day – placing past failures and success behind us.

Cheers to today.

God's creation is radiant in all seasons. Sweet October.

Stunning - August 2023.

Morning chores. December 2023.

Written April 6, 2024


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