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The Sound of the Sword.

"An iron sharpens an iron, so one person sharpens another" ~ Proverbs 27:17.

God loves us so much, He also places people in our lives to help us learn, refine, and grow.

Even people, who help protect us.



2 Samual 23 tells the story of David’s three “mighty men”.


In the story, David shared with his warrior friends how he deeply missed the water of his youth.

The three men took action, risking their lives and placing themselves in enemy lines – to seek this water and refresh David.


Romans 12:10 reminds us, “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above ourselves”.


Devotion is deeper than affection, affinity, or fun.


Devotion is a choice, that comes from a humble, warrior like spirit.


David’s friends were devoted to him and his true purpose.


They loved David with a love rooted in a commitment to the Lord. A love bigger than themselves.

The McKenna sisters. Friends who are family. Even when you live miles apart.


Mark 2 tells us how Jesus healed a paralyzed man because of his friends’ faith.

Friends who were willing to plea and petition to the Lord – on his behalf. 

To petition means to passionately, in a well-reasoned manner – plea your case to the Lord.  

Reasoned from a place of God’s word.


Sometimes we are the petitioner for others.

Sometimes others petition on our behalf.

Sometimes we receive the beauty of someone’s spirit filled radiance.

And sometimes we are the giver.

All the details of how these countless instances fit together is a mystery on this side of heaven.

Yet, there is a pattern.


There are times the pressures of life make us wonder if God is against us.

John Calvin referred to these times as, “life under the cross”.

If we are going to become more like Christ, then our lives must follow his pattern:

Relationship with the Father.




Go do what we see and hear.

Walk in truth and love.


My “baby” is now almost 15 years old. I joke, he’s long been a 40-year old man in a boy’s body.

Recently, friends and family have commented his voice is changing, deepening.

Despite the fact he’s one of my favorite people to talk to – I hadn’t noticed.

My ears had grown familiar and dull to this change.

It hit me one day. Momma – he’s a young man!

I need to shift my heart in the way I love, nurture, and guide him.

My goodness – how the Lord is loving and growing him is amazing!

Alex and Sweetie. Both ready to turn 14. August 2023. Photo credits: Megan Rochelle Photography.

What if I had missed the prompting from the Lord to shift how I pray and play my role as a parent?

Who would have been impacted if I had only gone through the motions of daily routine - head down, eyes closed?

What if my eyes, ears, and heart had missed the beauty in his growth?


Luckily, I have an always visible reminder how to love.


2 Timothy 1:7, written on my wrist. Because Jesus loves in simple, yet mysterious ways. (see "Radiant Warriors".)


He needs us to see and embrace the gifts he’s placed in and around us so much – that he will interrupt us in a way he knows we will listen.


The sound of his words will breakthrough in the most personal ways.


The gentlest of whispers.

Tears of correction.

Laughter that lingers for days.

A rhythm of devotion.

The roar of heartbreak.

Smiles of reconciliation.

Quiet that clears the way.


So that, we can love him.

And our neighbors, family, friends, and those who have hurt us – the very same way.

Continue the pattern. Contribute to the legacy. Holding tight to our identity.


I love how Jesus loves.

How it looks. How it sounds.

Only He can unlock true change.

Only He can change hearts.

"Don't Give Up On Me". February 2024, Charlotte, NC. The 24-hour layover.

Rockaway Beach, Oregon ~ August 2023 "Listen"

Written April 6, 2024


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